Thursday 8 January 2015

The British Tag

When I was little, my Dad always used to call me his little English rose, so I think that this tag is perfect for me! I love Britain. I love the fact that we get to see the four seasons and I love the fact that no matter where you go, you are guaranteed to hear a different accent. I often go on holiday to Pembrokeshire in Wales in the Summer and there have been times when I have been lying on the beach and I thought I was somewhere abroad. I go to Scotland every Winter and it turns into a beautiful Winter wonderland. Then England in Autumn is just a rainbow of coppers, gold and reds. I can honestly say that I don't think I will be leaving home anytime soon!

After my little attempt of a poetic ramble there, I shall explain. This is the British Tag. I was sort of tagged I guess, by the wonderful blogger A Piece Of Elish. So I tag all of you fellow blogger readers!

 How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?

Oooohhh do I really have to count? I would say around 10... I know that is a lot. But I don't take sugar!

Favourite part of the roast?
My favorite part of the roast is the whole thing! Every Sunday I never forget to make a roast dinner. I would have to say though Yorkshire Puddings soaked in Gravy would be my favorite bit. Or stuffing! I love stuffing!

Favourite dunking biscuit?
Shortbread. It has to be shortbread.

Favourite quintessentially British past-time?
Possibly my elocution lessons. They were difficult, but they were fun!

Favourite British word?

"Canny". Being brought up a Geordie, that was a very common phrase in our house.

Cockney rhyming slang?

I know that my boyfriend has told me some of these... but I can't remember any. I do live up North...

Favourite British sweet?

Parma Violets! Without a doubt. When I worked in a bar, there was a man who would come in for 1 pint of ale every Sunday to give me a packet of Parma Violets! He was blooming lovely!

What would your pub be called?
The Unicorn! With the exclamation mark!

No. 1 British person?
Winston Churchill. May be a slightly obvious one. But when I was growing up, my parents house was literally like a shrine to that man! OOO or Audrey Hepburn as she was a British Citizen... She is my idol.

Favourite shop/ restaurant?

The Metro Centre! Can that count? It contains many shops and restaurants! =]

What's the first British song that pops into your head?
"When I'm Cleaning Windows" 

Marmite- love or hate?
I am not sure... hold on... my boyfriend has some in the cupboard, I have always been too scared to try it, but now seems as good a time as any... 

OMG NO! WHAT IS THIS STUFF!? Also sticking my finger in the jar was not a good idea. It is much stickier than I imagined.

Well what a lovely tag. It went from good to bad very quickly. Now please excuse me whilst I go and brush my teeth.

Rachael xx

PS. Seriously though, how the hell can anyone like that stuff? It tasted like something burnt... Just not right.


  1. Wow you have ten cups of tea a day, that is so many! I only have about 3-4!

  2. I know right?! I never realised how many I have until I answered that question! I was like like, "holy moly, I think I might need to cut back a bit here!" xxx

  3. 'The Unicorn' made me laugh so hard because it is so awesome! Nice pick! And 10 cups a day?! You're a champion, haha! :D
